quarta-feira, fevereiro 13

Sweeney´s here! Welcome Barber!!!

Porque o cinema pode ser uma aventura ao outro lado do mundo, ao mundo de Fleet Street em Londres onde um barbeiro se vinga pela mão da sua navalha, e o melhor é que canta... Um musical da Broadway com uma exelente banda sonora e as suas interpretações, não podia deixar de mencionar que o facto de ser o Johnny depp também contribuiu mas , e há sempre um mas, o barbeiro não seria nada sem as suas vitimas, e portanto o Depp não estaria no sue melhor sem os outros actores e actrizes! Ahhhhhhhh a caracterização está exelente o que não seria de esperar da equipa dirigida pelo Tim burton. O filme até pode estar na moda mas o musical já é antigo, a razão pela qual o argumento tem força! Deixo-vos a letra da minha música predilecta por todas as razões possíveis e imaginárias.

Stephen Sondheim
Anthony: Mr. Todd!
Todd: Out!
Lovett: What is it now, dear?
Todd: I had him — and then (...)
Lovett: (...)down the stairs
I had him!
His throat was bare
Beneath my hand !
There, there, dear. Don't fret.
No, I had him!
His throat was there,
And he'll never come again!
Easy now.
Hush, love, hush.
I keep telling you
What's your rush?
Why did I wait?
You told me to wait!
Now he'll never come again!
There's a hole in the world
Like a great black pit
And it's filled with people
Who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world
Inhabit it
But not for long!
They all deserve to die!
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett
Tell you why:
Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs. Lovett,
There are two kinds of men and only two.
There's the one staying put
In his proper place
And the one with his foot
In the other one's face
Look at me, Mrs. Lovett,
Look at you!
No, we all deserve to die!
Even you, Mrs. Lovett
Even I:
Because the lives of the wicked should be
Made brief.
For the rest of us, death
Will be a relief
We all deserve to die!
And I'll never see Johanna,
No, I'll never hug my girl to me.
All right! You, sir,
How about a shave?
Come and visit
Your good friend Sweeney!
You, sir, too, sir?
Welcome to the grave!
I will have vengeance!
I will have salvation!
Who, sir? You, sir?
No one's in the chair
Come on, come on,
Sweeney's waiting!
I want you bleeders!
You, sir — anybody!
Gentlemen, now don't be shy!
Not one man, no,
Nor ten men,
Nor a hundred
Can assuage me
I will have you!
And I will get him back
Even as he gloats.
In the meantime I'll practice
On less honorable throats.
And my Lucy lies in ashes
And I'll never see my girl again,
But the work waits,
I'm alive at last
And I'm full of joy!
That's all very well, but what we gonna do about him?
Hello! Do you hear me? (...)

Um comentário:

The Black Dahlia disse...

Bem, já vi que tens muito jeito para escrever, e muita paciência. Este post é o melhor eheh. Vou tentar ter tanta paciência como tu! Apertao* :D